Tending The Wind

An Introduction to Veterinary Holistic Medicine

TCM Extras
Additional Materials related to the study of Chinese Medicine and Reiki

These are early writings and research activities that were instrumental in creating the final chapters of Tending The Wind related to Chinese medicine and reiki. They are presented here in their original form for those who wish to delve more deeply into these topics, or who wish to see some thought processes that did not end up in the final book. Some concepts that were considered but not researched further may also provide interest for some readers.

Appendix 1. Basic Concepts

Summary of Daoist and other concepts important to TCM as well as reiki.

Appendix 2. Five Phases

Early work into this subject, with theoretical connections to the reiki symbols.

Appendix 3. Timeline

A brief history of China, compiled from various sources to acquire historical context for TCM.

Appendix 4. Resources

Books and websites that were useful or just interesting (in the order they were searched).

Appendix 5. Reiki Extras

Additional terminology, Usui's affirmations, and treatment hand positions.

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For information on Dr. Chattigre's current location and contact information, see www.cascadesummitvets.com.

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©2008, Lauren Chattigré. All rights reserved. No portion of this text may be used or copied without express written permission from the author.